
Big Cypress Slough

To me the only thing better than paddling slowly through a forest of bald cypress trees would be to go back in time and paddle through a virgin stand of the same.  Today though I was with some huge trees. The majestic cypress I drifted by were ancient; their fluted and buttress bases were thirty, forty and some even fifty feet in circumference. They grew amongst a number of younger trees. Because they did not have a good saw log they escaped the clear cuttings of the early 1900’s.

It was cold and still with blue skies and the reflections of the trees on the clear water made good photos.  Wood ducks flushed ahead of us as we paddled quietly. Great Blue herons squawked as they launched into flight from the treetops. Schools of pan fish scurried ahead. No turtles or alligators showed their face on this winter day, but signs of raccoons and otters were on every floating log.  Occasionally breaking into the sounds of nature we could hear the hum of big tugs pushing barges on the Mississippi or a four-wheeler carrying a deer hunter to his stand. But mainly it was quiet, peaceful and fantastically beautiful.  A boat, water and big trees…what more could I want?


Press Release: Eagle Expo Photo Workshop 2011

For immediate release

Put your digital camera to work in wildlife photography with CC Lockwood.  Much has changed in nature photography in the last 30 years. CC will teach you to improve your photographs through this workshop which is in conjunction with the Morgan City Eagle Expo.

February 11, 2011- 9 am LECTURE: CC will lecture on the techniques for bird and landscape photography with emphasis on digital photography.
February 11, 2011-Noon: Field trip with Black Guidry via a boat trip to an eagle nest to photograph Bald Eagles, other wildlife and landscapes.
This workshop is open to photographers at all levels of expertise as well as non-photographers, but space is limited so reserve your spot early.

More details on signing up can be found HERE

About CC Lockwood:
Wildlife photographer C.C. Lockwood has lived and worked in fragile ecosystems whose preservation shapes his artistry. Through words and images, he has captured the unique sense of space in wild places as diverse as Louisiana swampland and the rugged backcountry of the American West. His work has earned him international acclaim as an environmental artist, including the Sierra Club's Ansel Adams Award for conservation photography. Lockwood's work continues to reflect changes and perils in the natural world.

Amy Shutt, public relations
Cactus Clyde Productions
Ph: 225.769.4766